Thursday, October 16, 2008


Me and my friend David went to the Congressional Debate between Incumbent Democrat Jerry McNerney, and Stockton Business man Dean Andal. Right away I noticed the McNerney campaign was strong, Lawn Signs, Signs to hold and Giant campaign signs all outside ready to grab when the debate finished. Me and David took a seat, a little ways through an older lady sat next to me with her husband. She continued to say "LIAR" and "LIES" every time it was McNerney's chance to speak. As soon as there was a 60 Sec break me and David relocated ourselves to the opposite side of the building, Where we enjoyed the rest of the debate.

With all that said, here is the reason I wrote this in the first place. I just wanted to point out that Dean Andal is Just like every other rank and file conservative politician. I can't tell you how many times I've seen republicans use the whole "YOU DON'T SUPPORT THE TROOPS" When Democratics dont vote for Bills to fund troops without a time line to bring them home, For some reason they always leave out when the democrats vote for time lines in Bills to fund. It makes me so mad when Anyone of Any party questions someones support for the troops. Honestly It makes me Sick. Cherry Picking on both sides is my biggest pet peeve, makes me really want to run for office to be different. Time will tell...

OH and to Mr Andal...



Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) announced that he received an A+ for his support for and work on behalf of our nation’s veterans in the 110th Congress.

The nonpartisan Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America (IAVA) Action Fund included the A+ grade for Rep. McNerney as part of its 2008 Congressional Report Card. According to IAVA Action Fund, legislators were graded based on their votes on legislation to expand veterans’ healthcare benefits, prevent veteran suicides and provide mental health treatment, and create a new G.I. Bill for the 21st Century.

“I am honored to receive this recognition. My dedication to serving our nation’s veterans is about doing the right thing for the men and women who wore the uniform of our country and put themselves in harm’s way,” Rep. McNerney said. “I will never forget the sacrifices they and their families have made and I will always fight for them.”

According to the IAVA web site, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America is the nation's first and largest group dedicated to the Troops and Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the civilian supporters of those Troops and Veterans.

More information about the IAVA Action Fund 2008 Congressional Report Card can be found at

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