Let me make this perfectly Clear, I am not for Gay Marriage, But let me also add that I am not for Straight Marriage either. I am Voting no on Prop 8 on the basis of Equality. I don't care if a Gay or Straight couple marries, But I do care if someone tries to take away the right for them to do so. It makes me sick that people would try to take something like Marriage away from others just because it doesn't fit into the vision of what people think marriage should be.
I see a lot of the conservative voters rallying behind this and it makes me really question things, Some of these people are the same ones that vote for candidates based on things like Small Government and Deregulations in the Markets, What I see is those people want government out of their lives but support it in others lives. How is that Fair. Who is anyone to say that people can't Marry. Is it the Sanctity of Marriage the question again? the very same Marriage that people Like Britney Spears and Elizabeth Taylor abuse, The Same marriage that so many divorcees were allowed to participate in? The Very Same marriage that shows like "who wants to marry a millionaire" can mock. Is this the sacred Institution those people want to Protect? How about Prop 8 being "Marriage is FOR LIFE and CAN'T BE USED AS A PUBLICITY STUNT" makes more sense in the whole Protection Terms.
I stood Out on Sunday and rallied for it in my hometown and i heard the people who support 8 Yelling some pretty funny things out. Nothing like PROTECT MARRIAGE or ITS A SIN or something like that but things like "GO BACK TO FRISCO U SICK PEOPLE" and "DICK MONGERS". I guess Being for equality isn't their vision of America. And for all those who wish me on a trip to hell. At least I will be with hundreds, no thousands of other NO ON 8 SUPPORTERS
Los Angeles Times
The San Diego Union Tribune
Orange County Register
The Riverside Press-Enterprise
Contra Costa Times
The Sacramento Bee
The San Francisco Chronicle
The Napa Valley Register
The San Jose Mercury News
The Palm Springs Desert Sun
The New York Times
Redding-Record Searchlight
La Prensa San Diego
Ventura County Star
The Tracy Press
Santa Cruz Sentinel
The San Francisco Bay Guardian
The San Gabriel Valley Tribune
La Opinión
Daily Iowan
LA Daily News
Santa Rosa Press Democrat
The Bakersfield Californian
The Daily Bruin
Asian Week Endorsements
LA Downtown News
The Fresno Bee
* PG&E
* Levi Strauss & Co.
* Google
* Amgen
* Sweet
* Morgan Hotel Group
* San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
* California Black Chamber of Commerce
* San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce
* Valley Industry and Commerce Association
* Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
* Apple Inc.
* Clear Channel
Civil Rights Organizations
* ACLU Northern California
* ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties
* ACLU Santa Barbara Chapter
* ACLU of Southern California
* Anti-Defamation League Southern California
* Asian Pacific Islander (API) Equality
* Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California
* Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA)
* California NAACP
* Equality California
* Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
* Greater Sacramento Urban League
* Japanese American Citizens League
* Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF)
* NAACP – Oakland Branch
* Organization of Chinese Americans – Orange County Chapter
Labor Organizations
* AFSCME California PEOPLE
* California Federation of Teachers
* California Labor Federation
* California Nurses Association
* California Teachers Association
* Communication Workers of America District 9
* San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association
* Screen Actors Guild Hollywood Division
* SEIU California State Council
* United Farm Workers
* United Teachers of Los Angeles
Faith Based Organizations
* Affirming Spirits of the First Congregational United Church of Christ
* All Saints Episcopal Church
* Altadena Community Church United Church of Christ
* Apple Seed Friends Meeting
* Berkeley Fellowship Unitarian Universalists
* Beth Chayim Chadashim (BCC)
* Beth El Congregation
* Bloom in the Desert Ministries UCC/Methodist
* Board of Rabbis of Southern California
* Board of Trustees, Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura
* California Church IMPACT
* Call to Action / USA
* Catholic Democrats of California
* California Faith for Equality
* Christ Chapel Metropolitan Community Church
* Church of the Foothills
* Claremont United Methodist Church
* Clergy and Laity for Economic Justice Santa Barbara
* Clergy United, Inc.
* Community Church of Atascadero, UCC
* Conejo Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
* Congregation Beth Am
* Congregation Beth El
* Congregation Church of Belmont UCC
* Congregation Kol Ami
* Council of Churches of Santa Clara County
* The Episcopal Diocese of California
* Fair Oaks United Methodist Church
* First Congregational Church, Riverside
* First Congregational United Church of Christ
* First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto
* First Unitarian-Universalist Church of San Diego
* Golden Gate Association of the Northern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ
* Hollywood Lutheran Church
* Immanuel Presbyterian Church
* Institute for Judaism and Sexual Orientation
* Interfaith Clergy Coalition
* Irvine United Congregational Church, UCC
* Jewish Community Relations Council SF, the Peninsula, Marin, Sonoma, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
* Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles
* LGBTQI Interfaith Clergy Council of Los Angeles
* Lutherans Concerned – Los Angeles
* Lutherans Concerned – North America
* Metropolitan Community Church of the Coachella Valley
* Metropolitan Community Church Los Angeles
* Metropolitan Community Church – Region 6
* Metropolitan Community Church in the Valley
* Ministry in Action Commission, St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
* Mira Vista United Church of Christ
* Mission Hills United Church of Christ
* Mormons for Marriage
* Mount Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church
* Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church
* Pacific Association of Reform Rabbis
* Pacific Central District of the Unitarian Universalist Association
* Pacific School of Religion
* Pacific Southwest District, Unitarian Universalist Association
* Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
* Progressive Jewish Alliance
* Redlands United Church of Christ
* Region One Metropolitan Community Church
* Sacramento Call to Action
* Saint Aidan’s Episcopal Church
* Saint Paul Lutheran Church
* San Marino Congressional UCC
* Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society
* Social Justice Committee, Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara
* Starr King Unitarian Universalist Church
* St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church
* St. John’s Presbyterian Church
* St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
* St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
* Stone Church of Willow Glen
* Temple Adat Shalom
* Temple Isaiah
* The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion
* The Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist
* The Metropolitan Community Church of San Diego
* The Southern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ
* The Workmen’s Circle – Arbeter Ring
* Union for Reform Judaism – Pacific Southwest Council
* Union for Reform Judaism – Pacific Central West Council
* Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim
* Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
* Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis
* Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno
* Unitarian Universalist Church of Long Beach
* Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
* Unitarian Universalist Church of Santa Monica
* Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura
* Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
* Unitarian Universalist Community Church – Sacramento
* Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin
* Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Santa Rosa
* Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
* Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito
* Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stanislaus County
* Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Tuolmne County
* Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Visalia
* Unitarian Universalist Laguna Beach – Board of Trustees
* Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry Action Network
* Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry, CA
* Unitarian Universalist of Santa Clarita Valley
* Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento
* Valley Ministries MCC
Community Based Organizations
* AIDS Emergency Fund
* API Equality LA
* API Equality SF
* Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Bay Area
* Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice
* Asian and Pacific Islander Family Pride
* Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom
* Billy DeFrank Lesbian & Gay Community Center – San Jose
* Black AIDS Institute
* Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry
* Chinese Rainbow Association
* Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of LA (CHIRLA)
* ElderHelp of San Diego/Aging As Ourselves
* Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
* Family Equality Council
* Freemont Alliance for a Hate-Free Community
* Gay and Lesbian Alliance of the Central Coast (GALA)
* Jordan/Rustin Coalition
* Justice Matters
* Latino Coalition for Justice – LA
* Los Angeles County Bar Association
* Los Angeles County Psychological Association
* L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center
* Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association of Los Angeles
* Mexican American Concilio of Yolo County
* National Council of Jewish Women Los Angeles
* Network on Religion and Justice for Asian and Pacific Islander LGBT
* Pacific Center
* Pacific Pride Center – Santa Barbara
* Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center
* San Diego LGBT Community Center
* San Diego LGBT Pride
* San Diego Psychological Association
* San Francisco Human Services Network
* San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center
* Sonoma County Pride Committee
* Sonoma State University Academic Senate
* South Asian Bar Association of Northern California
* South Bay LGBT Center
* Southern California HIV Advocacy Coalition (SCHAC)
* Southern California Lambda Medical Association
* Southern California Psychiatric Society
* Stanislaus PRIDE Center
* The Center Advocacy Project San Diego
* The One Love Campaign
* Trans Equality
* USC Medical Gay and Lesbian Organization (USC MedGLO) LA
* Ventura County Rainbow Alliance
* The Wall Las Memorias
Statewide Organizations
* California American Academy of Pediatrics, California
* California Faculty Association
* California National Organization for Women (NOW)
* California Psychiatric Association
* California Psychological Association
* Gay-Straight Alliance Network
* Lambda Legal
* Latino Issues Forum
* League of Women Voters of California
* Liberty Hill Foundation
* National Association of Social Workers, CA Chapter
* National Council of Jewish Women California
* Pacific Coast College Health Association
* Women’s Foundation of California
National Organizations
* American Jewish Committee Western Region
* American Medical Student Association
* Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies
* Children of Lesbian and Gays Everywhere
* Feminist Majority Foundation
* Green For All
* Hispanic National Bar Association
* Human Rights Campaign
* Human Rights Watch
* Marriage Equality USA
* Mexican American Bar Association
* National Black Justice Coalition
* National Black Police Association
* National Center for Lesbian Rights
* National Congress of Black Women
* National Council of Jewish Women
* National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
* Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PLAG)
* People for the American Way
* Zuna Institute
Political Groups and Organizations
* Bayard Rustin LGBT Coalition PAC
* Black American Political Association of California
* California Democratic Party
* California Young Democrats
* Courage Campaign
* Del Mar/Carmel Valley Democratic Club
* Democracy for America
* Democratic Alliance for Action
* Democratic Club of San Jose State University
* Democratic Women’s Forum of San Francisco
* Democrats for Israel Los Angeles
* Democrats of Rossmoor
* Elections Committee of the County of Orange-ECCO
* Escondido Democratic Club
* Foothill Community Democrats
* Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund
* Green Party
* Honor PAC
* Irish American Democratic Club
* Lake County Democratic Club
* Libertarian Party of California
* Log Cabin Republicans California
* Los Angeles African American Women Political Action Committee
* Los Angeles County Democratic Party
* NARAL Pro Choice California Privacy PAC
* Northeast Democratic Club
* Owens River Democratic Club
* Planned Parenthood Action Fund
* Potrero Hill Democratic Club
* Poway Democratic Club
* Progressive Democrats of America, Monterey County
* San Mateo County Democracy for America
* Santee Democratic Club
* Silicon Valley Young Democrats
* Stonewall Democrats California
* Stonewall Democrats of Ventura County
* Stonewall Young Democrats
* The Lake County Stonewall Democratic Club
Elected Officials
* United States Senator Barbara Boxer
* United States Senator Dianne Feinstein
* United States Representative Lois Capps
* United States Representative Susan Davis
* United States Representative Anna Eshoo
* United States Representative Jane Harman
* United States Representative Mike Honda
* United States Representative Barbara Lee
* United States Representative Zoe Lofgren
* United States Representative Doris Matsui
* United States Representative George Miller
* United States Representative Nancy Pelosi
* United States Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard
* United States Representative Linda Sanchez
* United States Representative Adam B. Schiff
* United States Representative Brad Sherman
* United States Representative Hilda L. Solis
* United States Representative Jackie Speier
* United States Representative Pete Stark
* United States Representative Ellen Tauscher
* United States Representative Mike Thompson
* United States Representative Henry Waxman
* United States Representative Lynn Woolsey
* California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
* California Lt. Governor John Garamendi
* California State Controller John Chiang
* California State Board of Equalization Chair Judy Chu
* California State Board of Equalization Vice Chair Betty T. Yee
* California State Senate President pro Tempore Don Perata
* California State Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero
* California State Senator Ron Calderon
* California State Senator Gilbert Cedillo
* California State Senator Ellen Corbett
* California State Senator Lou Correa
* California State Senator Denis Moreno Ducheny
* California State Senator Sheila Kuehl
* California State Senator Carole Migden
* California State Senator Jenny Oropeza
* California State Senator Alex Padilla
* California State Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas
* California State Senator Jack Scott
* California State Senator Patricia Wiggins
* California State Senator Leland Yee
* California State Senator Elaine Alquist
* California State Senator Christine Kehoe
* California State Senator Alan Lowenthal
* California State Senator Darrell Steinberg
* California State Senator Tom Torlakson
* California Assembly Speaker Karen Bass
* California Speaker Emeritus Fabian Nuñez
* California Assembly Majority Leader Alberto Torrico
* California Assembly Assistant Majority Leader Kevin de Leon
* California Assembly Majority Whip Fiona Ma
* California Assembly Speaker pro Tempore Sally Lieber
* California Assemblymember Jim Beall
* California Assemblymember Patty Berg
* California Assemblymember Julia Brownley
* California Assemblymember Anna Caballero
* California Assemblymember Charles Calderon
* California Assemblymember Tom Campbell
* California Assemblymember Joe Coto
* California Assemblymember Mike Davis
* California Assemblymember Mark DeSaulnier
* California Assemblymember Mervyn Dymally
* California Assemblymember Mike Eng
* California Assemblymember Noreen Evans
* California Assemblymember Mike Feuer
* California Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes
* California Assemblymember Warren Furutani
* California Assemblymember Loni Hancock
* California Assemblymember Mary Hayashi
* California Assemblymember Ed Hernandez
* California Assemblymember Jared Huffman
* California Assemblymember Dave Jones
* California Assemblymember Betty Karnette
* California Assemblymember Paul Krekorian
* California Assemblymember John Laird
* California Assemblymember Mark Leno
* California Assemblymember Lloyd Levine
* California Assemblymember Ted Liu
* California Assemblymember Tony Mendoza
* California Assemblymember Gene Mullin
* California Assemblymember Pedro Nava
* California Assemblymember Fabian Nunez
* California Assemblymember Anthony Portantino
* California Assemblymember Curren Price, Jr.
* California Assemblymember Ira Ruskin
* California Assemblymember Mary Salas
* California Assemblymember Lori Saldana
* California Assemblymember Sandre Swanson
* California Assemblymember Lois Wolk
* County of Calaveras Supervisor Chair Steve Wilensky
* County of Los Angeles Supervisor Yvonne B. Burke
* County of Los Angeles Supervisor Gloria Molina
* County of Los Angeles Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky
* County of Marin Supervisor Susan L. Adams, Ph.D
* County of Marin Supervisor Charles McGlasman
* County of Monterey Supervisor Elect Jane Parker
* County of Monterey Supervisor Dave Potter
* County of Sacramento Supervisor Roger Dickenson
* City and County of San Francisco Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier
* City and County of San Francisco Supervisor Tom Ammiano
* City and County of San Francisco Supervisor Bevan Dufty
* City and County of San Francisco Supervisor Sophie Maxwell
* County of San Luis Obispo Supervisor Elect Adam Hill
* County of Santa Barbara Supervisor Salud O. Carbajal
* County of Yolo Clerk/Recorder Freddie Oakley
* County of Yolo Supervisor Elect Jim Prozenza
* County of Yolo Supervisor Helen Thomson
* County of Yolo Supervisor Mariko Yamada
* City of Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates
* City of Davis Mayor Ruth Asmundson
* City of Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums
* City of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
* City and County of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom
* City of Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo
* City of San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders
* Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca
* City of Los Angeles City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo
* City and County of San Francisco Treasurer Jose Cisneros
* City and County of San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera
* City and County of San Francisco Sheriff Michael Hennessey
* County of Yolo Sheriff Ed Prieto
* County of Humboldt District Attorney Paul V. Gallegos
* City of Avalon Councilmember Michael Ponce
* City of Clearlake Councilmember Joyce Overton
* City of Davis Councilmember Sue Greenwald
* City of Davis Lamar Heystek
* City of Davis Councilmember Don Saylor
* City of Davis Councilmember Stephen Souza
* City of Laguna Beach Councilmember Jane Egly
* City of Long Beach Councilmember Bonnie Lowenthal
* City of Long Beach Councilmember Tonia Reyes Uranga
* City of Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti
* City of Los Angeles Councilmember Jose Huizar
* City of Milpitas Councilmember Armando Gomez
* City of Norwalk Councilmember Jesse M. Luera
* City of Sacramento Councilmember Rob Fong
* City of Sacramento Councilmember Lauren Hammond
* City of Sacramento Councilmember Kevin McCarty
* City of Sacramento Ray Tretheway
* City of Sacramento Vice Mayor Steve Cohn
* City of San Diego Councilmember Toni Atkins
* City of San Diego Councilmember Jim Madaffer
* City of Santa Ana Councilmember Michele Martinez
* City of Santa Barbara Councilmember Roger Horton
* West Covina Mayor Pro-Tem Roger Hernandez
* City of West Hollywood Mayor Jeffrey Prang
* City of West Hollywood Mayor Pro Tem Abbe Land
* City of West Hollywood Councilmember John J. Duran
* City of Woodland Councilmember Martie Dote
* Berkeley PTA Council President Cathryn Bruno
* City College of San Francisco Trustee Milton Marks
* Davis Joint Unified School Board President Sheila Allen
* Davis Joint Unified School Board Member Richard Harris
* Duarte Board of Education Vice-President Francisco Figueroa
* Garvey School District Board Member Henry Lo
* Long Beach City College Board Trustee Roberto Uranga
* Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education President Monica Garcia
* Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education Member Tamar Galatzan
* Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education Member Julie Korenstein
* Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education Member Dr. Richard A. Vladovic
* Lynwood School Board Member José Luis Solache
* Montebello School Districts School Board Member David Vela
* Peralta Community College District Trustee Abel J. Guillén
* San Francisco Board of Education Vice-President Kim-Shree Maufas
* San Francisco Board of Education Member Hydra Mendoza
* San Francisco Board of Education Member Norman Yee
* San Leandro Unified School District Trustee Mike Katz-Larabe
* Sonoma Valley Unified School District School Board Trustee Nicole Abate Ducarroz
* Southwestern Community College District Governing Board Member Terri Valladolid
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The No on 8 campaign includes:
* ACLU of Northern California
* ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties
* ACLU of Southern California
* American Institute of Bisexuality
* Anti-Defamation League
* Asian & Pacific Islander Equality
* Asian & Pacific Islander Equality-Los Angeles
* Asian & Pacific Islander Equality-San Francisco
* Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California
* Barbara Jordan / Bayard Rustin Coalition
* Bienestar
* Billy DeFrank Lesbian & Gay Community Center (San Jose)
* Black AIDS Institute
* CAA Chinese for Affirmative Action
* California Faith for Equality
* California NAACP
* California NOW
* The Center Advocacy Project (San Diego)
* Children of Lesbian and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE)
* Congregation Kol Ami
* Courage Campaign
* Equality California
* Family Equality Council
* Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
* Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund
* Gay And Lesbian Alliance of the Central Coast (GALA)
* GSA Network
* Human Rights Campaign
* Jordan Rustin Coalition
* L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center
* Lambda Legal
* Latino Coalition for Justice-Los Angeles
* Libertarian Party of California
* Liberty Hill Foundation
* Log Cabin Republicans-California
* Love, Honor, Cherish
* Marriage Equality USA
* Metropolitan Community Church of Los Angeles
* National Black Justice Coalition
* National Center for Lesbian Rights
* National Council of Jewish Women
* National Council of Jewish Women California
* National Council of Jewish Women Los Angeles
* National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
* Our Family Coalition
* Pacific Center
* Pacific Pride Center (Santa Barbara)
* PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
* Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California
* Pride At Work
* The Progressive Project
* Republicans Against 8
* San Diego LGBT Community Center
* San Francisco LGBT Community Center
* Santa Cruz County No on 8
* Stonewall Democrats’ California
* Trans Equality LA
* Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry Action Network
* The Wall Las Memorias
* Zuna Institute
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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